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Custom Wheels

Building wheels by hand is one of the things I probably enjoy most working in a shop. I was taught to build wheels all the way back in 2002 when I worked for Rowlett's Bicycles. I honed my skill building hundreds of fixed gear wheels before machine build ones were readily available. Since those days I have been building all kids of wheels for all kinds of riders.

When there are already so many machine built wheels and "wheel systems" out there many people wonder what the point of custom wheels really is. It simple actually. Whether the wheels will be used on road, trail, commuting or anything else I can work one on one with each rider to tailor their build to intended use, rider weight, performance and even how hard or easy they are on equipment.

Not all riders exert equal force on their wheels. From 120 pound tri-athletes to 300lb daily commuters and everyone in between I have built wheels for them all. Nobody in town has more experience building wheels than I do.

If you are popping spokes, denting rims, trying to go faster, or just want to improve the ride quality of your bike I can help with that. Call, email, or just stop by to set up a time to discuss how a set of custom wheels can make your time on the bike that much better.

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