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Food reviews from the non-connoisseur: Maine Root Ginger Brew

Let's be clear, I'm not an expert on culinary anything. But like Orson Welles said "I don't know anything about art but I know what I like".

Theses days I'm liking Maine Root ginger brew. I'm sure there are some experts out there on the subject of ginger brew that probably will say I'm crazy and that I haven't had Brand X, Y, or Z but I know what I like and I know what I don't like. We have a few different ginger brews, beers, sodas, whatevers in stock and this is by far my favorite.

Maybe it's the perfect level of bite at the back of my throat. Maybe it's how it is not too sweet. Maybe it's all in my head because for some reason I think the fact that it's cloudy rather than clear must mean it's something special. Regardless of the reasons or reasoning, it's good. I have tried a bunch of carbonated ginger flavored sugar waters and this is the best.

You don't have to take my word for it, but, if you haven't had one and your a fan of ginger I find it hard to believe that you will be let down.

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